Show Your Support
We are pleased to accept your donation by cash, check, money order or credit card, and your donation is 100% tax-deductible, as we are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID # 30-0229325. Donated funds fuel our giving efforts to award scholarships and grants to Clarkston students and schools.
Sizeable gifts can be used to fund a scholarship or grant in a loved one’s name or for a certain purpose. Please contact us for for more information on special giving, or write us at PO Box 361, Clarkston, Washington 99403. Thank you for donating to the students and teachers of Clarkston, Washington.
Donor Levels
Patron. $25-$99
Honor Roll $100-$499
Salutatorian $500-$999
Valedictorian $1,000-$4,999
Benefactor $5,000-$9,999
Trustee $10,000-$24,999
Donors who give more than $25,000 or more in cumulative gifts are recognized as permanent Legacy Trustees of the Foundation.
Amazon Smile
Donate while you shop! Start your shopping experience and enter Clarkston Education Foundation as your charity of choice to get started.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts include charitable bequests in wills, trusts and other estate plans. Please contact us for more info.
Employee Matching
You may be able to double your contribution. Read the list below of companies that match their employees’ charitable contributions. If you are an employee of one of these companies, please contact your personnel department for a donation matching form.
Payroll Deduction
Payroll deductions are an easy way to donate to Clarkston Education Foundation if you work for the Clarkston School District.
If you would like to utilize payroll deduction with your employer, please contact us about arranging it with your Human Resource department.